Building Structure and Accountability

June 7, 2022
Building Structure and Accountability

Andrew Huber, 30yrs old, works as a route transportation salesperson. Before embarking on the CrossFit journey, Andrew was inspired by a friend who works out; it was through him that he decided to break his unhealthy habits and began doing some online activities at home. Realizing that he lacked the accountability and structure required, he decided to dive right in and start doing some home workout stuff and changing his diet.Andrew's journey has not been easy. There were times in his life when where everything was grey and monotonous. But his thought was - if others could make a change, why couldn't he? He could not allow lame excuses to hinder his goal to fitness. He simply needed to manage his time more effectively. It’s moments and thoughts like these that became breakthroughs. He has become more determined in life as a result of those previous setbacks. It has become his life's great teacher, helped build his confidence, and enabled him to get the most out of life.When he joined SouthPaw, working out took him to a new level, both physically and mentally. It has shifted his mindset, making him more mindful and giving 100% in everything he does. It may have been intimidating because it was entirely new for him, but it positively influenced his life! Andrew feels better almost every day, most especially outside of the gym. He cultivated a positive mindset, which aided him in his journey to make a lifestyle change. He believes that working out allows him to do things that he cannot normally do. He just needs to sustain what he is doing right now, a healthy living habit- meeting his needs without jeopardizing his future. Hence, structure and accountability are important for making lasting changes in our lives. Creating a routine provides us with the stability needed to stay on track by creating a routine. And by having someone or something else to answer to, we increase the chances that we will follow through with our goals. These two principles can be applied to our personal lives and our professional ones. We may be having difficulty motivating ourselves to get up every day and do better. Most of the time, we even doubt ourselves. However, doing things that help us improve, such as joining CrossFit, is a start. We simply need to be determined and persistent to achieve our specific goals. It will be exciting to see how our lives will change dramatically if we can keep doing what we are doing to achieve our goals. So keep going and don't let anything get in your way.

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