Benefits of Macrotracking for Fitness and Physique

June 7, 2022
Benefits of Macrotracking for Fitness and Physique

Most individuals believe that fitness consists solely of working out and adhering to a diet plan. We frequently assume that calorie counting is the greatest way to achieve the physique we've always desired, to reduce weight, and build muscle. However, counting calories doesn’t show how balanced your diet is but only establishing a calorie deficit. Few recognize that the best approach to get a high nutritional status is to grasp the benefits of macro tracking and include it into our diet plan.

What is a 'Macro?'

Most people have heard the term macro at some point in their lives. In terms of nutrition, it is short for "Macronutrients"- or the building blocks of food that contribute to dietary energy intake. These are made up of three components: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Accordingly, an increase in the proportion of one macronutrient for a given calorie intake implies a reduction in the proportion of one or more other macronutrients.

Why Should We Track Macronutrients?

Here are some of the benefits of monitoring your macronutrients for fitness and physique!

Prevent chronic disease risk

An increasing body of data suggests that a significant imbalance in the relative proportions of macronutrients might raise the risk of chronic illness and may have an adverse effect on micronutrient intake. Micronutrients, referred to as vitamins and minerals, our body requires in little amounts to be functional and to digest these macronutrients.In adults and children, the AMDR for carbohydrate consumption suggested is 45–65% of dietary energy intake. The intakes were based on the assessment that high carbohydrate intakes (>65%) increase the risk of CHD and low carbohydrate, high-fat intakes (45%) increase the risk of obesity.

Essential in bodybuilding

When gaining muscle, it is important to determine the necessary macronutrient ratios as varied macronutrients have different effects on muscle development and preservation. According to a study, in order to gain muscle mass, diets should consist of 55-60% carbohydrate, 25-30% protein, and 15-20% fat for bodybuilder composition. It is beneficial to have a positive energy balance so that additional energy is accessible for muscle metabolism. It is important to note that these percentages should be specifically prescribed based on your health history, lifestyle, and goals - talk to one of our coaches today if you'd like a personalized nutrition program!

Control your body’s metabolism

The macronutrients not only impact your weight via food intake but also how calories are burned. Metabolism is the method through which your body transforms into energy everything you consume. Calories in foods and drinks interact with oxygen during this complex process to release energy for your body. Humans regulate their energy intake in terms of the protein consumed, including consuming more when required to maintain protein balance. Proteins are reported to have the greatest impact on the increase of basal metabolism by around 15-30%, followed by carbohydrates for about 5-10% and fat by 0-3%.

In conclusion

We already know that macronutrients are the most important nutrients in big quantities to provide the energy needed to sustain the body's function and carry out everyday tasks. Hence, it's critical to recognize and acquire excellent eating habits, as well as making sure you're including macronutrients in your meals, depending on how active a person you are and your fitness objectives are. So the key to achieving fitness is a mix of effective workouts and good nutritional habits!If you would like to learn more about how you can build a healthy nutrition program contact us today to set up a time to talk with one of our awesome coaches!

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