Thursday 4.2.20

June 7, 2022
Thursday 4.2.20

Recording of COACH ViewRecording of CLASS ViewWe have a great workout for you today! This workout will get your hamstrings fired up and is a great combination of strength + capacity.

We are starting out with some weighted hip extensions. There are a number of variations so watch our coaching video if you want to see the particular one we are using! We can add/subtract weight, "squeeze" at the top, or do a single-leg variation to increase or decrease the level of difficulty.The workout is a 12 minute AMRAP of 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and 10 Dips. The SDHP is going to be more challenging with a DB, but we will show you how you can do it! For the dips, try to find two chairs, or use some type of surface (bench, ottoman, coffee table, etc). If none of those are available just do pushups!Have fun with this one, guys! Score is Rounds + Reps!

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