Discomforts Lead to Change

June 7, 2022
Discomforts Lead to Change

Often, the discomforts in our lives lead to the change we need. This can be true for both small and large changes. Change can be scary, but it's also exciting, and embracing discomfort is one of the best ways to remind ourselves why we're striving for something better. Discomforts can lead us down new paths and help us find out what we're capable of. Lori McCain also had a similar experience. She used to be a runner, but she eventually stopped and didn't continue. Lori had a roommate that was a CrossFitter, and it was the first time that she had heard about it. However, as most people think when they hear CrossFit, there’s a stigma that it is super intense, that one should be really in good shape and that it is intimidating. Hence, it took Lori three years before she finally decided to join CrossFit. Lori joined to become physically fit, but the biggest catalyst that pushed her, even more, to check out CrossFit was her mental health. Being part of CrossFit Southpaw greatly impacted Lori’s life as it was merely different from when she was running. As Lori’s a people person, running felt boring on her part. The community of CrossFit has been a huge aspect of keeping her motivated and inspired to keep going. She also likes the variety of programs and workouts in CrossFit, as Lori got bored quickly with exercises in general. She likes how there's always something new and exciting to do in the next workout or how to push herself differently. Hence, she decided to get involved in powerlifting and Olympic lifting.Lori learned and realized some life lessons through CrossFit Southpaw. Learning not to be too hard on herself is a particularly challenging phase for her. She needs to remind herself that what’s happening in her life is a huge learning curve, and she should give it time and not overdo things. Another thing that she learned is not to put her story on to other people's stories; having the modifications in weights, she realized that she needs to work her way up until she can do heavier weights and do more reps. Reminding herself that it is still progress and celebrating the small wins was a huge thing that has kept her going.Overall, working out has become a healthy stress release for Lori as it clears her head, and being part of the CrossFit Southpaw community really improves her mindset. She developed more connections and relationships with others, learned how to have her “me time,” reflect after the day, and learned to assess what’s in her control. We all go through rough patches in life—times when everything feels like it's stacked against us and we can't catch a break. When faced with these difficulties, it's natural to feel discomfort. While these discomforts may be challenging to deal with, they're also what can motivate us to make a change. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of courage to explore what lies ahead.

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